Thursday, June 12, 2008

Where to?

By Bob

It was a Sunday night on the 11:30 No. 12 Barbur. About a dozen TriMet riders were snoozing, texting or listening to their iPods.

The ride from downtown to the 'burbs was going uneventfully until a little bit after the stop at S.W. Hamilton. At that point, the drivers usually pick up speed because not many people get on or off until we hit the Burlingame Freddies.

However, on this night the bus didn't pick up speed. In fact it slowed. Suddenly, the driver yells back to the passengers: "Does anyone know where this route goes?"

People perk up and look at each other in bewilderment. One gripes, "Jaysus, we're never going get home tonight."

The driver then adds: "Please, tell me where to go. But don't direct me to your house. People are always trying that."

Finally, one enterprising soul offers the driver some sage advice: "Just follow Barbur until you hit Sherwood."

We were saved.

Although when we arrived at the Barbur Transit Center, the driver mistakenly tried to enter at the first stoplight, which is the exit marked with a Do Not Enter sign. But someone told her to go to the next light and turn left. She did and most of the relieved crowd exited.

Your humble correspondent left the bus a little later at the 53rd Avenue stop, leaving the driver with an encouraging: "Thanks and good luck."

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