Tuesday, June 17, 2008


By Amy

You could say the bus driver was in a bad mood. Earlier on the route, he had to kick off a thirtyish-looking man with a baby face for trying to start a fight with some teenagers. 

"I let you ride for free, and this is how you pay me back," the driver said to Baby Face.

Baby Face got off without a fight, but flashed some gang signs at the teens as the bus drove away.

A while later, we braked at the on the east end of the Hawthorne bridge, the last stop before it crosses downtown into Fareless Square. Passengers board, including a guy in business attire.

"I don't have any change," the businessman says, showing the driver his empty hands.

"Then you going to have to walk across," the driver says. 

The businessman steps off. The driver slams the door after him and moves on.

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